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More Free Features Than Any Competitor

If it doesn’t cost us, why should it cost you?

Xagio stands out by offering a free version with maximum value, unlike competitors who use paywalls. While they charge for basic features, Xagio provides them for free because we believe in offering value at no cost to us. Our unique premium version includes exclusive features you won't find elsewhere, ensuring you can enhance your SEO affordably with top-tier free features and a premium suite that's truly unmatched.

Manage Settings
WordPress Easy Setup
Open Graph Settings (Global or Per Page)
Header/Footer/Body Scripts (Global or Per Page)
Central Taxonomy Control (No Index & Follow)
Project Planning and Keyword research
Automatic Site Audit (Ranking Keywords Per Page)
Advanced Clustering
On-Page SEO
H1, Title, Meta Description settings in page editor
Centrally managed H1, Title, Meta Description settings
Auto Ping Google on sitemap/content changes
Set Priority & Change Frequency per post type & Taxonomy
301 & 404 Management
Create unlimited 301 redirects
404 Monitoring for potential high traffic pages
Global 301 redirect setting
Content Silo Management
Physical silos via pages
Virtual Silos via Links
Blog organization via tags & categories
Link Management
Image or text links
Link impressions, clicks & conversion stats
Shortcodes for internal use
Masked links for external use
Customer Reviews
Fully customizable review design & fields
Collect reviews, ratings, or both
Global or per page functionality
Automatic Aggregate Rating calculation & injection to Schema
Backup & Restore
Save backups locally or to 4 cloud locations
Set up automated backup schedules
Auto scoring of your server grade
1-Click Restore from saved backups
WordPress Cloning
Clone WordPress site from URL
Backup source and target domains before cloning
Rescue Center
Easy & Advanced restore modes
Rescue broken Repo & Private Plugins/Themes
Scan Upload directory (Media Library) for malicious content
Manual Schema editor
Schema duplicator


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